What's your musical background?
I studied voice and theater in college, but have been brazenly singing since i was in a car seat. I sing because i have to; music is part of who I am.
Who inspired you to make music?
My parents both played instruments, and music is definitely playing in their house right now. I grew up watching all the black and white movies with my grandmother, so I love old Hollywood glamour, especially Marilyn Monroe. My greatest musical influences have been powerhouse superstars like Aretha, George Michael, Elton John, Whitney Houston and Beyonce. And great storytellers like Dolly Parton, Billy Joel and Taylor Swift.
Tell us about your creative process, from the beginning of a typical piece to its completion.
I write with Bristol studios producer, Ric Poulin. We typically start with a story and find the meaningful connection to an image or idea. The lyrics come from the images that stand out and we paint a musical picture from there. Sometimes its quick and breezy and a song is crafted in one morning. Sometimes it takes hours for one line. We cover all kinds of topics and genres.
What was your reaction when you found out that your Over the Rainbow music video won two awards and has been selected as a semi-finalist for four others?
It must have been a mix of emotions. The project was born from a compelling need to respond to the atrocities of the Pulse nightclub tragedy. The proceeds from the video go to the survivors and victims’ families. We are honored that the response to the video has been so positive!
What’s the story that you want to share with your music?
Honesty and passion are at the core of the originals and covers I sing. I want to elicit powerful emotion in the folks who hear my music, I want people to believe what I am singing, and find power in that.
When can we expect to hear more new music?
As long as there are stories to be told, we will write new music. Lyrics and melodies are everywhere.
Do you have any advice for the little girls who dream of being a singer like yourself? What would you say to them?
You are powerful, unique and special. Others may try to make you fear your greatness; for every “no” you hear, tell yourself “yes” over and over. Only you can determine your path, Only you can honor your voice. Listen to it soar!